Maharaja Gulab Singh Research Centre

(Gulab Bhawan, Shalamar Road, Jammu)  


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  • To raise awareness of the special qualities of the natural, built and cultural heritage of the state of Jammu and Kashmir; promoting environmental management and sustainable development that aims to conserve and enhance the unique heritage of the state for the benefit of all.
  • To organize talks, debates, seminars, workshops, conferences to analyze, evaluate and understand the trajectory of  cultural developments in the  state.
  • To establish, maintain and run different scholarships and render other kind of aid to students to achieve academic excellence and brilliance.
  • To support and grant  financial assistance to  scholars  engaged in historical research and diffusion of historical knowledge amongst the public in general.
  • To create environment for the advancement of artists, cultural and heritage practitioners as well as the promotion of education in arts, culture and heritage.
  • To facilitate interaction between different potentially polarized communities to maintain and expand the syncretic and democratic spaces.
  • To maintain and expand the syncretic and democratic spaces.
  • To foster cultural cohesion and national integration without diluting   regional diversities and uniqueness and  the propagation of such ideas  through lectures, seminars, meetings, articles, journals, books, the electronic media, & so on.


Message by Dr. Karan Singh

Raghunath Temple Jammu Part - 1

Raghunath Temple Jammu Part - 2

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